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Title: Unicorn startups and employment generation in India an exploratory study
Authors: Sharma, S.
Mandiratta, P.
Keywords: startups;unicorns;employment;valuation;sector;states;экономика;соотношения;правительство;состояния
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Belarus State Economic University
Language: Английский
Type: Article
Citation: Sharma, S. Unicorn startups and employment generation in India an exploratory study / S. Sharma, P. Mandiratta // ECON-2023: World Economy and International Business : abstracts of the First International Student Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of BSEU, Minsk, April 14, 2023 / Belarus State Economic University, etc. – Minsk, 2023. – P. 233-234.
Abstract: This research paper aims to create awareness of Unicorn Startups in India. The real motive is to provide information about the Unicorn startup’s valuation and its impact on the economic development of the country. This study helps entrepreneurs and students to grow up their startups.
Appears in Collections:2023

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